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  • Kibana runs on port 5601 by default.

Types of Charts

Heat Maps

  • Heat maps are pivot tables that highlight outliers and trends using color.

Types of ML Models

  • If you are trying to predict categorical data, and if there are more than two categories, then it is a multi-class classification model.

Array of Services

Service Description
Athena Interactive query service for interactive analytics on data stored in Amazon S3 (uses Presto under the hood)
OpenSearch Operational Analytics. Managed service that makes it easy to deploy & operate OpenSearch clusters in the AWS Cloud
EMR Managed cluster platform that simplifies running of Big Data Analytics workloads
Kinesis Data Analytics Perform real-time time series analytics, feed real-time dashboards, and create real-time metrics.
Delivery Firehose Fully managed service for delivering streaming data into Amazon S3, Redshift, OpenSearch or Splunk, without any need to write consumer code.
Kinesis Video Streams Fully managed service to stream live video from devices to the AWS Cloud.
Redshift Fully managed peta-byte size Data Warehouse service.
SageMaker Fully managed Machine Learning Service
Open Search Dashboard Open-source visualization tool designed to work with OpenSearch.

Amazon Quicksight


Concept Description
Sources AWS Services, Files, On-premises databases
SPICE Superfast, Parrallel, In-Memory Calculation Engine
Analysis Use Analysis to create and interact with visuals and stories.
Visuals Graphical representation of a dataset using a type of graph
ML Insights Propose potentially useful visuals based on evaluation of data
Sheet A set of visuals that are viewed together
Story A set of one or more scenes that you can play like a slideshow
Dashboard A Read-Only snapshot of an analysis that you can share with other Quiksight users for reporting purposes.
